I love springtime.  There is something about the “budding season” that kicks my creative senses in gear.   Perhaps it is the crispness of the fresh air, the smell of the dogwoods, or the blooming of the yellow Hibiscus.  Springtime finds me in the local park, perched underneath the bearded oak with books and ink pen in hand, and the sound of jazz nearby.   I want to be outside.  The atmosphere is jovial with puppies, little giggles, and squirrels scurrying across fresh green patches of grass previously blanketed by winter. 

Everything is growing! Flower pedals once dormant peep from behind lush rose bushes.  An embryo awakening occurs in spring.  Nature extends to us a bonus New Year. It allows us to begin again. We get a chance to metamorphose; to transform.   Feel like starting over? Springtime is the perfect season to do so.   Pull out those articles from the file cabinet and send them off for publication, finish the novel you’ve been trying to get to, or the receiving blanket you planned to knit by fall.  Perhaps your embryo awakening needs to come in the form of forgiveness; in repairing a damaged relationship or healing some old wounds.   Bask in the smell of fresh cut grass, afternoon rains, and the bloom of Gardenia’s. 

Springtime is all around you.  The embryo is awakening inside of you.  It is kicking.  Push! Push!  Spirit is your Lamaze coach!  Bring forth buds and sprout like a plant.  




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